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We gratefully accept private, business, and in-kind donations. Through generous donations, the Heart of Namari can help fulfill the dreams of many children who aspire to showcase their talent, hard work, and love of dance to the Metro Atlanta community. As designated by the donor, monetary donations may go towards special projects or purchases, the funding of classes, and the purchase of dance wear and costumes for students who need assistance. We also accept in-kind donations of publications and are publicly recognized during special events and productions. All monetary donations are listed on the Donations "Gracious Donor" on our website and within the program yearbook for the Curtain Call and donors are announced at the end of the show.
The Heart of Namari Inc., has partnered with Kroger Community Rewards and are now looking for your support! Register your Kroger Plus Card with Heart of Namari Inc., on the Kroger website. So we can continue offer scholarships to students who are looking to advance their dance training or even start on their journey of dance. 

Connect your Kroger Plus Card: 
1. Visit
2. Search Heart of Namari Inc., or type in LQ785
3. Click ENROLL

New Kroger customers will need to create an account which requires some basic information, a valid email address and a rewards card.
* If you do not have a Kroger Rewards Card, please visit the customer services desk at any Kroger.
The Heart of Namari Inc., has partnered with Amazon Smile and are now looking for your support! Register your personal Amazon account with Heart of Namari Inc., on the Amazon Smile website. So we can continue offer scholarships to students who are looking to advance their dance training or even start on their journey of dance. 

Connect your Amazon account: 
1. Visit Amazon Smile

3. Search Heart of Namari Inc.
4. Click SELECT
5. Click AGREE 

Remember to always start your Amazon shopping with Amazon Smile and you'll be apart of helping Heart of Namari Inc.
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